Correcting Unevenly Shaped Breasts
Correcting asymmetrical or unevenly shaped breasts: surgical breast revision.
It’s normal for women to have breasts which aren’t exactly the same shape. In some cases, however, the difference is so large or glaring that this asymmetry is very noticable. These differences can be in shape, size, nipple placement, areola size, or any combination of the above. Correcting Unevenly Shaped Breasts is something at which Dr Giraldo excels.
Breast Revision Surgery
Many women in this situation elect to have breast revision surgery. This usually includes a combined approach of lifting the breasts, augmenting them via implants or fat transfer, breast reduction, and various methods of repositioning the areola or nipples. Note that this isn’t a simple surgery, and should only be performed by a cosmetic surgeon with plenty of breast revision experience.
Surgical correction of uneven breasts is generally regarded as a safe and relatively minor surgery. It is usually performed in an outpatient setting such as your surgeon’s office or a surgery center. Only local anesthesia is needed, which eliminates the risks associated with general anesthesia. This procedure is, however, still surgery. Make sure to bring someone with you to drive you home. It’s also a good idea to have someone stay with you during the first night after your procedure.
After Care of Correcting Unevenly Shaped Breasts
In many ways the success of your surgery to Correcting Unevenly Shaped Breasts lies in your hands. As with any surgery proper at-home care is essential during the healing process. Don’t leave the office without detailed instructions and follow them exactly as written. Healthy lifestyle choices, especially ceasing tobacco use while healing, also make an enormous difference. Recovering patients should also eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of water, and limit physical activity according to aftercare instructions.
As with any surgery the potential benefits must outweigh the risks involved. While the risks associated with breast revision surgery very small they should still be considered before making a final decision.
Getting ready for the operation
To determine whether you are a good candidate for surgery, your surgeon will ask you a thorough medical history. Anti-inflammatory medications and aspirin may be prohibited prior to surgery by your doctor as they can increase bleeding. Also, he will advise quitting smoking for a speedy recovery. Moreover, let your surgeon know if you intend to breastfeed since this will influence where the incisions are made.
How To Get Better Results?
Plan a Day Off from Work
You must use at least one week’s worth of vacation or sick leave if you work outside the home, even if your job is sedentary or doesn’t involve much physical activity. Avoid any activity that requires bending, lifting, or strenuous movement, whether it is paid or not.
Discuss your job with your surgeon to receive the finest, most individualized advice. The majority of doctors will plan your initial post-operative check-up appointment for roughly a week following surgery. Many patients will be given the all-clear to resume light activities at this consultation.
Don’t Workout Unless Your Surgeon Clears You
After just a few weeks, especially if you were already in good health, you’ll probably be itching to pick up your exercise routine again. But take care. Your incisions may still be touch-and-go, your implants won’t have entirely “settled,” and your general physical health might not yet justify a workout.
Doing too much too soon could delay your recovery or perhaps harm your breasts’ final appearance. And neither of those choices are what you desire!
You will likely be given the all-clear to start light activity again four weeks after surgery. Walking, stretching, restorative yoga, or perhaps a leisurely bike ride are all examples of this.
Prepare some help in advance
Ask your spouse or partner, a close friend, a family member, or a home health care aide for assistance before scheduling your surgery.