Risks of Botox Injections and Botulism 

Risks of Botox Injections and Botulism 

What do I need to know about Botox? Botox is most frequently used for cosmetic reasons, but has also been found to help with some medical conditions. You can learn even more about how it works below. The Risks of Botox Injections and Botulism  Women who are pregnant or nursing should avoid potential sources of … Continued

vaginal rejuvenation

7 Tips to Speed Liposuction Recovery

At Advanced Liposuction Center our talented Monroeville plastic surgeons are highly skilled at liposuction but as the patient, you are able to have a significant impact on the rate at which you recover. Below are 7 tips for a smooth and successful liposuction recovery: Make sure you understand and follow all post-operative instructions. Your cosmetic … Continued

plastic surgeon near me

Correcting Unevenly Shaped Breasts

Correcting Unevenly Shaped Breasts Correcting asymmetrical or unevenly shaped breasts: surgical breast revision. It’s normal for women to have breasts which aren’t exactly the same shape. In some cases, however, the difference is so large or glaring that this asymmetry is very noticable. These differences can be in shape, size, nipple placement, areola size, or … Continued

Comparing CoolSculpting to Laser Lipolysis 

Comparing CoolSculpting to Liposuction

Comparing CoolSculpting to Liposuction Liposuction and CoolSculpting both seek to remove stubborn fat deposits yet work in entirely different ways. First and most importantly, CoolSculpting is completely non-invasive. No anesthesia of any kind is required, it carries almost no risks, and involves negligible recovery time. Liposuction, on the other hand, is an office bases surgical … Continued

5 Ways to Make Recovery Easier

In most cases recovery from cosmetic surgery is relatively quick and comfortable. At Advanced Liposuction Center we want to share some ways that clients can ensure the fastest healing with the least amount of pain and discomfort: Get the Facts—before your procedure get all your questions answered by our expert cosmetic surgeons. You’ll want to … Continued

Help! I’ve Torn My Earlobe

At Advanced Liposuction Centers, we see many clients at this time of year in this very situation. Bethel Park plastic surgeons want you to know help is available. More times than we can count, we have heard the following scenarios, “I was pulling my sweater off over my head and felt this terrible pain as … Continued

butt lift faq

Butt Lift FAQ

Butt Lift FAQ Bridgewater plastic surgeons at Advanced Liposuction Center want clients to know that you don’t have to live with a derriere that is slack and sagging. Our Brazilian Butt Lift procedure can restore volume, firmness and youthful perkiness to your backside with a minimal amount of discomfort and downtime. Below are some frequently … Continued

Brazilian butt lift

Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery: Changing Your Rear View

Have you recently tried on your bathing suit?  Were you less than satisfied with the back view in the mirror? Hopewell plastic surgeons at Advanced Liposuction Center want you to know that you can improve the appearance of your buttocks through our Brazilian Butt Lift surgery. Traditionally, to increase the volume and fullness of your … Continued

earlobe repair

The Season for Earlobe Repair

With the arrival of sweater season, Bethel Park plastic surgeons see more patients in need of earlobe repair. Unfortunately, it’s a common occurrence: you go to pull a sweater over your head and it catches on an earring, ripping it out of your earlobe. The good news is at Advanced Liposuction Center we can repair … Continued

Firming Up Flabby Arms

You’ve dieted and exercised and worked hard to lose weight. You are finally at your desired weight which means most of your body looks great. Your upper arms, however, have that “wing” flap, which you don’t seem to be able to lose no matter how many toning exercises you do. In addition to weight loss, … Continued