earlobe repair

Q & A About Earlobe Repair

There can be a number of reasons to consider earlobe repair: Wearing heavy earrings for a long period of time which caused a split in your lobe. You were born with deformed or abnormally shaped earlobes. An accidental tear or injury to your earlobe by getting it caught on a scarf or sweater or in … Continued

cosmetic procedures

Get Rid of Unsightly Features With Cosmetic Procedures

Hopewell plastic surgeons want patients to know that they don’t have to keep hiding areas of their bodies that they think are ugly. This Halloween, instead of putting on scary masks and makeup, why not reverse some less desirable features with these cosmetic procedures. Cosmetic procedures that can help: Spider veins Broken capillaries, varicose veins … Continued

earlobe repair

The Season for Earlobe Repair

With the arrival of sweater season, Bethel Park plastic surgeons see more patients in need of earlobe repair. Unfortunately, it’s a common occurrence: you go to pull a sweater over your head and it catches on an earring, ripping it out of your earlobe. The good news is at Advanced Liposuction Center we can repair … Continued

Help! I’ve Torn My Earlobe

At Advanced Liposuction Centers, we see many clients at this time of year in this very situation. Bethel Park plastic surgeons want you to know help is available. More times than we can count, we have heard the following scenarios, “I was pulling my sweater off over my head and felt this terrible pain as … Continued